Systemic racism exists and contributes to inequality in healthcare and the quality of care given

A doctor discusses the alarming differences in mortality rates for Black vs. white Americans, and the root cause of these disparities.

I’ve been quiet this weekend, not because I didn’t feel it wasn’t important to speak out against racism, but to reflect inwards at my own unchecked biases and privileges. I need to do better to be better.As a physician, I recognize that there are ra…

I’ve been quiet this weekend, not because I didn’t feel it wasn’t important to speak out against racism, but to reflect inwards at my own unchecked biases and privileges. I need to do better to be better.

As a physician, I recognize that there are racial disparities in the US healthcare system. Black Americans are at higher risk of dying from Covid-19. They suffer higher rates of hypertension and diabetes. Black women are more than 2-3 times as likely to die during pregnancy and childbirth than White women. Black babies are twice as likely to die before their first birthday than white babies.

Why do these disparities exist when as human beings, we are 99.9% identical in our genetic makeup? Why do inequalities exist when we all bleed the same color?

Systemic racism exists and contributes to inequality in healthcare and the quality of care given. It also exists in regards to income, education, housing, and criminal justice. This has to change.

As a mother, my heart goes out to George Floyd and his family. Hearing him call out for his mother as he was murdered broke my heart. How many Black Americans have senselessly lost their lives? This has to stop.

It is important for us to speak to our children and teach them about racial differences and the beauty in diversity. Children learn racism from a very young age, so it is never too early to start the conversation with them.

Change starts within us and within our own homes. Start there. We need to educate ourselves and address our own biases because they do exist.

Then speak out against racism. Speak out against the injustices that Black Americans face on a daily basis.

Then act. Act by donating to organizations for Racial Justice such as @naacp, @mnfreedomfund, @community.united defense fund, @bailproject and @aclu if you are able to. Act by voting in local, state, and national elections.

These are just a few things that we can do. Change takes time, but we must start to make the necessary changes. So don’t stay quiet. Don’t do nothing. We all need to stand up against racism because #BlackLivesMatter.

Avi Varma, MD, Physician, Atlanta, Georgia


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