When there’s little we can choose, I choose to smile and be kind.
A resident physician describes the stresses healthcare workers are under, and how we can make their lives a little easier during this difficult time.
I want to give a small reminder that under each mask is a person who’s doing the very best that they can with the cards they’ve been dealt.
Maybe you’re the support person who’s got a cold and was told you can’t come visit your newborn baby at the hospital because we can’t rule out coronavirus.
Maybe you’re the anesthesiologist on overnight who’s balancing an emergent surgery, COVID intubations, and covering labor & delivery.
Maybe you’re the nurse caring for the COVID patients among the other ill patients who also need your attention, and you’re worried sick about bringing the virus home to your young kids.
Maybe you’re the doctor covering a shift for a friend who’s out because they have possible COVID symptoms and so they know they can’t come to work today.
Maybe you’re the clerk in the cafeteria, or the security guard in the lobby, or the cleaning person seeing requests for UV lights to sterilize rooms of possible virus contaminants.
Maybe you’re none of these people.
Maybe you’re a little of them all.
Whoever you are and whatever you’re doing, give yourself patience. Give your coworkers grace, and remember that while you can’t control it all you can always control one thing - your attitude.
When there is little we can choose, I choose to smile and to be kind. #ChooseYou
Jessica Ashley Geida, PGY4 OBGYN Res