“I won’t hug my family, or another human or step inside my home for at least two months, if not three or four.”

A physician shelters in the hospital away from her family and connects instead with colleagues.

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“Missing my family. I know they are enjoying laughter and food on this Easter Sunday as I want them to be. I moved out completely just four days ago. I had to. There was no choice. I had to keep them safe from me. I directly care for COVID-19 patients so my repeated exposure puts me at greatest risk.  I won’t hug my family, or another human or step inside my home for at least two months, if not three or four. And that’s ok. Short term compared to lifetime.

Like many of my colleagues I want a lockdown until we can exponentially decrease COVID-19 illness and deaths. I’m at the hospital and now catching up on colleagues around the country.  An ICU doctor in Washington, DC told me this: ‘This disease sucks! It prays on our worst fears. It leaves patients fighting without the support of families, and it leaves families grieving without hope of closure. I will celebrate a vaccine. I hope that we can convince folks to use it.’ Pray for all. Give hope to all. Give love to all. Stay home. Save lives. Bring me home.”

Dr. Michelle Tom, Family Medicine Physician, Arizona


“She came in walking and talking, and not even a few hours later was completely unresponsive.”


”I wish there was a way to fully put in words what I am seeing with my eyes.”